Check out the view from this small, 2nd floor direct ocean unit. If you're uncertain about committing big dollars for an ocean condo but would still like something nice with a view, this unit might fit the bill. This beautifully tricked-out unit will likely sell in the low $200s. The next lowest MLS price of a direct ocean unit above the first floor is $260,000. You can see the details of the complete $70,000+ remodel in the slideshow here.
This is not my listing. It's here because it's the lowest priced, 2nd floor or higher, direct ocean unit with a view that I'm aware of in Cocoa Beach or Cape Canaveral. I know that many of you are looking for something in this price range but have been disappointed with the stickiness of ocean condo prices.
Observe the opportunity.
_______Ecclesiasticus (ch. IV, v. 20)