That surge in sales combined with a reduction in new listings contributed to the continued 3-year inventory shrinkage in our market and we are now at almost exactly half the inventory of just three years ago. We are entering 2010 with 647 residential listings on the Cocoa Beach MLS in the two city market including Cape Canaveral. 19% of those listings are listed as either short sales or bank-owned. Hopefully the new year will bring some priced-right new listings. The picked-over listings making up the current inventory are predominately over-priced properties that were overlooked last year in favor of those that were priced within striking range of reality. This dearth of inventory will likely lead to a reduction in sales for 2010 unless some unforeseen event supplies us with easier mortgage money or a lot more realistically-priced listings. If you're looking to buy, be aware of the trend.

After a brief pause at the end of December, mortgage rates have resumed their upward trend. We have predictions from both camps on the direction for 2010 with those calling for higher rates in the majority. Not good for sellers but very good for cash buyers.

"You're only as big as your battles."___Michael Stipe