Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Whoa....Déjà Vu

As a buyer's agent I don't pursue listings and usually suggest another agent that I trust (it's a short list) for listing inquiries depending on the location of the property. I have made an exception for the building above. I have history in this landmark downtown Cocoa Beach location and thought that the connection I have with the property made for a harmonious fit. I owned a business that operated out of this building back in 1992, hence the déjà vu title (a quote from Neo, by the way). Since I moved a series of tenants including Munson Surfboards, Da Kine Diegos restaurant and, most recently, Beach Culture Surf Art have occupied the space. It picked up the Rick Piper mural across the front a few years back and is now for sale for the first time in years. For someone interested in a commercial property 2 blocks from the beach and walking distance from the two dozen or so restaurants and bars in downtown Cocoa Beach, this could be it. Offered for $199,900. Email me if you'd like to know more. If you'd even consider painting over the mural, it probably isn't for you.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
__________Pablo Picasso

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