Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is that short sale real?

I rarely link to other real estate blogs as I consider most of them embarrassing self-serving attempts to snare clients. One shining exception is the who had a brilliant post last week, Top 3 tips to buying a short sale I recommend it for anyone contemplating buying a short sale or selling a property as a short sale. I read it just after hearing another horror story about a buyer finding out several months into a short sale that the listing agent never presented her offer to the lender or the seller. I've encountered a similar situation in the past. In my case, the listing agent was accepting but not submitting other broker's offers because he was hoping find a buyer in time to score both sides of the commission representing the buyer and the seller. He would just lie and tell the other agents that their offers were in the works. I think in this most recent example that the listing agent is just a slacker or, as Dave put it so succinctly in the blog post I linked to above, an idiot. Read his post.

Be careful out there, folks. Question everything and have a contingency plan.

"Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons."
___________Michael Jackson

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